Author: admin

Mobile App Creation Made Simple by WYSIWYG

Mobile technology is taking over. And while there are some benefits to hiring professional mobile app developers to build your app, or even venturing to learn mobile software development on your own; the key to successful mobile business strategy in 2016 lies in WYSIWYG (‘what you see is what you get’) app-building environments. Mobilizing Business

InMoov Custom Mobile App

It’s been a while since posting about the InMoov robot hand I started building last year. Previously I had everything assembled and was using some direct controls in Grasshopper (plugin for Rhino) to test and tweak the movements of the fingers and wrist (click here to see the last video). That was fun, but not

McDonald’s mobile app triggers worker discontent

Brief: Some employees at the burger chain say the new ordering technology is causing more trouble than it’s worth, with chaos ensuing alongside self-service kiosks, mobile app ordering and traditional checkouts, Bloomberg reports. McDonald’s said in a statement provided to Bloomberg that it hasn’t seen a link between the new initiatives and higher employee turnover. Insight: